Crazy Cup

Crazy Cup

The engineless cart race downhill towards the Tagliamento. A crazy race for lots of fun and laughter.

DarkEst Film Festival

Dark East, the Friulian film festival in Tauriano, Spilimbergo. Discover the films, music, photography, and literature made in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

International music courses and concerts at the Academy

A music event to discover young musicians, well-established music teachers, and enjoy concerts not to be missed. Every year in July.


Art&Mosaico is an event dedicated to the form of art that has made Spilimbergo famous worldwide. It takes place every two years during spring’s warmest months.


A delightful event during which pastry chefs create delicious pastries and delicacies to share with cake lovers at the stands. Conferences and meetups also take place during the event.